Color Name: Au Natural

Color Number: 0222

Due to variances in computer monitors, colors displayed may vary from actual paint colors. For best results, visit your Diamond Vogel Paint Store and refer to our color chips or samples.

Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0222

LRV: 75

RGB: 230 225 205

Hex: #E5E1CF

Color Schemes:

Similar Colors:


No matter if you need to update a small nook or refresh your entire home, color can inspire a new outlook and connect you to your favorite spaces. We have paired today’s trend colors to deliver inspired palettes focused on you, palettes that are unique, strong and inspirational. Enjoy!
Winter's beauty can inspire all year long. The last leaves drift off trees, crisp breezes warmed with sweaters and wool, holiday time with family, giving thanks for the past year’s blessings and the beauty of a first snow. We have gathered the season's best and paired them to inspire your next paint project.
Fake news, truth, and the debate between differing views. Our current struggles are leading a shift to intentional choices to live an honest and simple life. A search for authentic design brings us to look for styles and products that are true and long lasting.